5 Reasons You Absolutely Need a Water Filter

Publish By : admin Publish Date : September 22 23

The importance of clean and purified water is undeniable. It is one of the most basic essentials of life. From cooking to cleaning, everything involves water. And filtered water is necessary in these industrial times where water is just as contaminated as the air. The number of per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a class of chemicals that is present in the water that is delivered to us in our homes, is alarming. The guardian research study on contaminated water reveals that millions of people are exposed to unknown health risks that might be the consequence of contaminated water. 

Among these, there are other numbers of impurities, chemicals and odors that tap water contains, which are just as likely to pose diseases which is why water filtration systems are becoming increasingly popular among ordinary American households. Often, chemical-induced in tap water to decrease the level of bacteria can become harmful if consumed in large quantities. A filtration system can not completely eliminate these particles, yet it can reduce the frequency of these chemicals and impurities in the water, overall increasing the quality of safe and drinkable water. While there are multiple other reasons to install a filtration system in your home in today`s blog post, we will be focusing on the top five reasons. 

Get Better Hair and Skin

As talked about earlier, the water that gets delivered to your home space contains contaminants which can be harmful to your skin and your hair. The aggressive particles mentioned in the water can suck out the essential oil from your skin and hair, which is necessary for its nourishment. It reduces the chlorine component present in the water that dehydrates the skin and causes irritation to the skin. Similarly, if you suffer from an itchy scalp or have dandruff in your hair, switching to filtered water for showering might be the solution to your problems. Showering with filtered water has shown lesser signs of eczema and other skin-related diseases, which were the consequence of contaminated water.

No Need For Bottled Water

More often than not, the tap water is either contaminated or contains a bad odour which makes it relatively hard to drink. Eventually becomes the core reason for not meeting the daily drinking requirement and needing you to switch to the alternate, i.e. bottled water. Purchasing bottled water is not only costly but is also bad for the environment. The mass-scale production results in environmental pollution, whereas plastic water bottles end up in landfills and water bodies, harming marine life. The Social Costs of using bottled water are immeasurable as it possesses threats longer than the human lifespan.

Increase The Life Of Appliances

The appliances we use on a day-to-day basis, including washing machines, faucets, and dishwashers, all have connection points where contaminated water can cause build-up, eventually harming the pipes and tubes in the process. This contamination in the water can reduce the lifespan and increase the rusting process in the appliances. The rust particles can ruin your clothes if the contaminated water has done its job. The same can be said about the water tub, as you might start seeing spots on the tub. However, using a reliable water purification system can eliminate all these problems while saving you the future cost of maintenance and purchasing new appliances.

Filtered water tastes better than Tap

Contaminated and chlorine-enriched water has been known to harm taste buds over time. Hence being the most common reason why most American families use bottled water instead of tap water. There are some types of heavy metals present in tap water that are easily detectable by human taste buds. These metal microparticles disturb not only the flavour of regular water but also the food we cook in the water, especially with the kind of dishes such as rice and noodles that are heavily water-based. By installing the filtration system around, you will experience that the water and the food have started to taste better and fresher.

Act As Safeguard Against Weaker Immune System

It should come as no surprise that covid vaccinations have made our immune system weaker than earlier, as stated in the study by the national library of medicine. Leaving us exposed to threats, and we need an additional layer of protection. Regardless if there are people in your house who have weaker immune systems than other family members, then getting a whole house filtration can certainly reduce their odds of getting sick and developing diseases.

Install a Whole House Filtration System

Apart from the benefits mentioned earlier, there are many other benefits one can derive from a good filtration system from filtering fast, making us question why you would not want to invest in one. Even small places such as cosy apartments can derive benefits by using shower filtersOr enjoy the benefits of it on the jacuzzi out on the patio. By using filtered water, you are not only choosing not to purchase bottled water but also helping the environment by minimizing its demand in the market leading to less production and eventually helping the environment. All the same while providing safe, clean and healthy drinkable water to you and your family.